1. General information

The document below contains privacy policy including:

  • processing of personal data provided by users of the website at (hereinafter: the Website)
  • information on managing cookies used by the Website
  • server log information

2. Processing of personal data

The processing of personal data is based on Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (hereinafter: GDPR).

administrator personal data is:

ROCK SPORT Sp. z o. o

st. Sunflower 7/4

81-589 Gdynia

NIP: 958 172 42 46

Contact with the personal data administrator is possible by electronic means at the following address:

Personal data are processed in purpose proper organization of classes with an instructor (sections, one-off trainings, birthday classes), and in particular notifying about dates, payments and other organizational issues to people who, by filling out the application form (hereinafter: Form) declared their willingness to participate in these classes. The data is processed with the consent of the data subject, expressed in the Form in accordance with legal basis specified in Art. 6 point a) GDPR. The scope of the data includes only the data provided in the Form.

The data will be processed by processing period not longer than 3 months from the date of the last class for which the owner of the personal data will sign up by completing the Form.

The owner of personal data may use his personal data at any time right specified in Articles 16 - 21 of the GDPR, in particular:

  • the right to request access to personal data, rectification, deletion or limitation of processing or to object to processing, as well as the right to transfer data
  • the right to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data
  • the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority.

These rights are exercised at the request sent to the personal data administrator by e-mail to the address provided above.

The transfer of personal data by the Website user is voluntary.

The processed personal data is collected with due diligence and properly protected against access by unauthorized persons. This data is treated as confidential and is not transferred to third parties.

3. Information about cookies

The website uses cookies. Cookies are stored on the Website user's end device and contain short text information that can be read by IT systems. Cookies do not contain personal data and as such are not subject to processing within the meaning of the GDPR.

Cookies are used by Google tools used by the Website administrator. In particular, these are Google Search Console, Google Analytics and Google Ads. The Website Administrator uses cookies for the following purposes:

  • creating statistics that describe traffic on the Website and explain how users use the Website, which allows improving its structure and content, optimizing the Website and taking appropriate marketing activities
  • defining the profile of users in order to match materials in advertising networks, related only to the provision of services to which the Website is devoted
  • maintaining the Website user's session, thanks to which the user does not have to confirm each time he/she opens the Website that he/she has read the information about the use of cookies by the Website.

The user may block the download of cookies at any time by changing the settings of his browser. With the proviso that disabling cookies may make it difficult to use the Website. Not blocking cookies in the browser and using the Website is tantamount to consenting to their saving on the user's end device.

4. Server logs

Using the Website involves sending information to the server on which the Website's website is embedded, which can be logged by the server. Server logs include, among others, such information as: the user's IP address, the time of sending the query to the server, the address of the page from which the Website was redirected, information about the Website user's browser. These logs do not contain the user's personal data.

Server logs are stored for the proper administration of the server by persons authorized to administer the server and are not made available to unauthorized persons.

5. Final information

The Website Administrator reserves the right to make changes to the Privacy Policy. The updated Privacy Policy is effective from the moment of its publication on the Website.

The last update of the Privacy Policy took place on August 13, 2023.