General rules

  1. Sections are held from the start date of the section (given in section schedule) until the end of June 2025. 
  2. Sections are held once a week
  3. Sections are conducted in groups of 5 to 8 people.
  4. The condition for participation in a given section is: (1) registration of participation in the selected section by form on the website, (2) acceptance of these regulations and (3) payment of the section fee
  5. If a participant registers for a section where there are no more places available, he or she will be placed on a waiting list and will be notified if a place becomes available in the future.
  6. The section may be terminated for objective reasons, including in the event of too few participants in a given calendar month (less than 5 participants)
  7. Participants of the section are required to: MONO climbing wall regulations 


  1. The section fee is payable:
    • for the entire calendar month in advance in an amount depending on the number of classes held in a given month before the first class in a given month, OR:
    • each time for a single class, provided there are free places in a given section (the number of participants does not exceed 8).
  2. When paying for the entire calendar month, the price is 55 PLN for each class taking place in a given month. For example: if 4 classes are planned in a given calendar month, the fee for the section in that month is 4 * 55 PLN = 220 PLN
  3. When paying for single classes the price is 75 PLN
  4. If a participant does not pay the section fee at the first class in a given month without notifying him that he will continue to participate in the section, he frees up a place in the section that may be occupied by a person from the reserve list.
  5. The section price list may change from the beginning of the next calendar month.

Doing sections

  1. If a section participant who has paid for all classes in a given calendar month did not attend part of the classes, he or she may make up the classes:
        • by participating in a section of the same level of advancement on another day of the week with the same or another instructor after prior arrangement at the MONO reception. This form of making up is only possible if the chosen section is not fully booked; OR
        • training on your own, i.e. using the fee for a given class as entry to the facility
  2. The section may be made up no later than at the end of the calendar month following the month in which the participant left the classes
  3. The fee for unused classes is not transferred to the next monththey do not therefore reduce the fee for the following month and you cannot make up classes from the previous month in the section you are registered for
  4. Fees for unused and unscheduled classes are not refundable.
  5. If any classes are canceled by the instructor, the fee for the canceled classes reduces the fee for the next calendar month accordingly, and if this is the last month of running a given section, it is returned to the participant.