Why sections in MONO?



  • learning top belaying
  • learning the basics of climbing technique (putting feet on steps, types of grips, dynamic and static solutions, frontal technique, twisting technique, flags, hooking)
  • climbing in various formations (verticals, overhang floors, jams and pillars)
  • comprehensive physical training
  • mental preparation to overcome difficulties
  • work on individual challenges
  • preparation for independent climbing on climbing walls and in the field

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  • improving techniques of upper and lower belaying 
  • improving the climbing technique (leg precision, twist efficiency, frontal technique, steps and inside flags, jumps and kicks, resting on the wall, blocks and squeezes)
  • training focused on building climbing endurance
  • building finger and shoulder strength
  • preparation to overcome further difficulties
  • training of antagonistic muscles for climbing



  • familiarization with climbing in the form of games, activities and animations adapted to the age of children
  • learning knots
  • classes focused on the all-round development of the child
  • individual approach
  • balance, dexterity and coordination exercises
  • learning the basics of climbing technique
  • learning safety rules on a climbing wall

AGE 9 - 11 YEARS

  • learning climbing techniques
  • learning knots and belaying
  • tasks introducing the world of sport climbing
  • exercises of balance and coordination, speed and teamwork
  • comprehensive physical development
  • building self-confidence by overcoming difficulties on the wall
  • building relationships in the group
  • learning safety rules on a climbing wall

AGE 12 - 15 YEARS

  • learning climbing techniques
  • motor skills training
  • learning to solve problems on your own while climbing
  • learning knots and belaying
  • preparation for self-climbing
  • group tasks and group integration
  • learning safety rules on a climbing wall


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I have been climbing for 25 years, and for 7 years I have been teaching climbing on the Tri-City climbing walls and in the rocks. I grew up near the highest peak of Żuławy Wiślane (14.6 m above sea level) and this is probably where my love for the mountains came from. I am a great lover of the Italian Dolomites, but I also appreciate the slippage of Jurassic limestone and I greatly respect the ingenuity of the Tatra aura. I really like working with beginner climbers, pointing out that training on the wall, although great fun in itself, is primarily a way to climb in nature. I am a climbing instructor, a member of the Trójmiasto Mountaineering Club, an academic lecturer and the owner of the Climb More company.


Olga Kulish

An excellent and titled climber, multiple medalist of the Ukrainian bouldering championships. certified climbing instructor. An excellent trainer for both beginners and ambitious climbers. 


antek oil

My name is Antek, I am a graduate of the Academy of Physical Education in Gdańsk and a certified instructor of sports climbing, motor preparation and functional training. Climbing is my passion, which I have been developing for many years, exploring various climbing regions, such as Sicily, Céüse or Frankenjura. My training is individually tailored to the needs of each person, providing a comprehensive approach to developing climbing skills and improving physical condition. I believe that climbing is a lifestyle, which is why I try to inspire and motivate my students to exceed their own limits. I invite you to discover the world of climbing together!


agnieszka pokrzywinska

I have been climbing for several years. Climbing showed me a different dimension of travel, and exploring new climbing areas in the world became my greatest passion. I specialize in working with children and teenagers, and I gained experience in this area while working as an instructor in scouting and working for many years as a sailing instructor. What gives me the greatest joy when working with children is the opportunity to observe their development and climbing progress.



I have been climbing for 10 years, I am a graduate of the Poznań University of Physical Education. I have been training people on climbing walls for 8 years, and I have also been training in rocks for five years. I am fascinated by rock climbing, which translates into many sports trips, I especially like Spain, although I also have a special feeling for the German Frankenjura. I am not looking for a number but challenges that inspire me and force me to learn new things.
